Long awaited clear up

I have decided that I am going to try and post something everyday on here to show you what I have been doing with my day.

Today I had the task of clearing up my sisters room which was filled with all my stuff that I had brought back from uni.

All I can say is that a few hours later, a full bin bag, massive pile of paper recycling and a bag of things to be burnt...I am just about done!

Her room now looks lovely and tidy and mine is nearly there too! I just have the last few bits and pieces to put in their new, tidy homes and I will be ready for the evening!

I love having a massive clear out every now and then as it is a chance to get rid of a load of stuff that is cluttering up my room and making it messy. The bit I love most however is the feeling afterwards, like a weight has been lifted and I have accomplished something in the day. I guess it reminds me of my childhood really. My room used to always be messy and every now and then mum would get to the point where she made me have a massive clear out and tidy up (this usually started with the dreaded sound of my name being called from my room....) The best bit was getting in to a nice clean bed at the end of the day, feeling fresh and happy that everything was once more tidied away and useless things gotten rid of.

The only difficulty here though is I am quite sentimental and if I am not careful I can spend hours looking through my old things and collecting random little pieces of chocolate wrappers and paper just because they hold some happy memories. While it is nice to keep some things sentimental to me I do think sometimes it gets a bit out of hand and I have to really think about what matters...storing up random pieces of paper on the chance I might find them again and reminisce... or keeping a clear fresh mind which is ready to take on new experiences and live life to the full!

Anyway must finish off then time for a nice relaxing evening for me! :) x


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