Lent 4- Treasure

March 4th 2017- Lent 4: Treasure

The picture you see may be odd in relation to the title but I was thinking about this post as I was beginning to pack up our flat ready to move in to our new house in just over a weeks time. In some of these boxes hold items that could be seen as treasure to us. They have wedding photos, wedding gifts, past birthday and Christmas presents and various other items 

These items hold importance to us but in reflecting on this immediately my mind is drawn to the verse, where your treasure is there your heart lies also. Matthew 6:25.
This short but important verse acts as a gentle warning, we must take care to assess what it is that we count as our treasure as there is where our heart will be found. Is our heart found in and amongst the latest gadgets, games and products we are told to buy or is it found in community, building up lasting relationships with those you love and also those in need. Our treasures shouldn't become the temporary things of this earth but the lasting treasure of changed lives and spiritual growth.

Lent, a time of fasting, a time of preparing ourselves for the celebration of Easter, should be a time to align our heart with the treasures God wants us to have. A time to assess whether our hearts are found more amongst our possessions than amongst the poor, the lonely, the bereaved. Perhaps in amongst my packing I should also have a clear out. x


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