An Attitude of Happiness

It's been a while since I have written a post because I have just been far too busy and somewhat lacking in inspiration however yesterday one of my friends provided all the inspiration I needed just with one sentence.

Now I can't remember the wording she used exactly but I was having one of those days when I just felt like everything was going to go wrong. I had so much to do and remember and it all started badly with me waiting for a meeting which I thought started at 9:15 but was actually at 1:15.....once I realised this I then realised I had double booked another one of my meetings for this time so everything seemed to be a bit messed up.

I telling this to my friend in passing she left me by saying something along the line of 'at least your day has room to get better.' This made me take a step back and stop. I thought about my day so far and how my attitude towards it was not a positive one. But that's all it needed...a positive attitude! Obviously if I was going to go into my day thinking it was going to be a bad day, all I would do was look for the negatives instead of rejoicing in the positives. It is so easy to slip into a negative mindset and all you need is a gentle reminder that your day always has ways to improve and if you look for those ways then it is sure to happen!

And I can safely say that from that point onward my day did begin to look up. I finished an essay, had two interesting lectures, two successful meetings, choir practice and a confirmation service! The enjoyment in all of that would have been missed if I had continued to dwell on what else was going wrong in my day.

So here's a gentle reminder, just as my friend gave me....if you feel as though your day is going down hill, your attitude is what can change it! Look for the beauty in your day and even if the odd thing goes wrong, even if you get the time of the meeting wrong, your day doesn't have to be ruined! After least I thought the meeting was earlier rather than later! x


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