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Lent 16: Presence

16th March 2017- Lent 16: Presence To seek God's presence can often feel like trying to catch fog, questioning where He is in the midst of everything or in the blank space of silence. To capture a glimpse of the presence of God both fulfils and satisfies and creates a deep inner longing for more but what happens when that moment appears to be just a brief experience, touching our souls and changing our hearts in a moment yet the next finding us barren and dry? Practising the presence of God appears to be a momentous task of re-tuning our minds to be constantly aware of the presence of God with us and within us. It comes through the transforming of our minds. Turning our thoughts from ourselves to God. From looking inwards to find satisfaction to looking upwards to find connection.  Firstly, the act of thanksgiving is fundamental in providing a basis for learning to dwell in the presence of God. It turns our mind from a selfish nature to thanking God for everything, i...

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