My Dad.

So then, I said on my post on Mother's day that I must remember to write one on Father's day and here it is! Like my mum's post I couldn't possibly begin to write everything down otherwise we would all be here for aggeesss so I will stay short and sweet highlighting just a few things that I am really thankful for about my Dad.

I am thankful that throughout my childhood Dad would go out to work so that he could provide support and stability to our family. Through this he taught me the importance of dedication, hard work and passion for the job that you are doing. Even if I never really did understand what he did no matter how many times I asked him!

I am thankful that he encouraged and supported (and paid) for me to learn how to play the clarinet and through leading the church worship group helped me to grow in that skill over time without ever making me feel discouraged even when I squeaked, played wrong notes or messed up spectacularly.

Even though it is quite unusual I am thankful for my dad's jokes. I cannot deny that most of the time dad jokes are terrible but I still find them very funny and it's one of my dad's characteristics which I absolutely love!

Another characteristic is his gentleness. When I was away at Taizé one of the things that struck me most about the brothers there was their gentleness and in talking to one and realizing this it strangely made me feel quite homesick as they reminded me so much of my dad. His gentleness is something that I have strived for in my own life.

I am pretty sure that most of the things that I find inspirational and encouraging about my dad come down to his Christian faith and as I said in my post about my Mum that is one of the main things that I am incredibly thankful for! I am thankful for the choices that he and mum have made in order for us all to be brought up in the faith and the freedom and space given for us to make that a faith of our own rather than just a faith through the family. I am thankful for the values that he has been able to instill in me based upon his faith which have created firm foundations in my life and helped to shape me into who I am today.

I am thankful for his marriage to my mum and the witness that is and the values that has taught me that I can now begin to apply to my own relationship and future marriage :)

I still feel as though there is so much more to write as indeed there is but these are just a few highlights!
Thank you dad for being so amazing, I love you very much and Happy Father's Day :) xxx


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